Port St. Lucie - Ray Lalloo (2)

Port St. Lucie - Ray Lalloo (2)

Profile photo of Employer - Owner/President, Adam's Air

Employer - Owner/President, Adam's Air

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Trades

Fortis Institute in Port St. Lucie

One of the reasons I look at Fortis is because first off their reputation.  They have a good reputation.

When we work with the Director of Career Services at Fortis she works directly with my office.

It’s been helpful because they submit resumes to us and they let us know the candidates that are out there.  And in this business you are always looking for good talent.

Air-conditioning is a good industry to get to because I’ve always said, when you go into a business you want to go into a business that is a necessity, not a luxury.  Air-conditioning in Florida is not a luxury, air-conditioning is a necessity; anybody that’s been here or lives here knows that.  So if you want a job you can have stability in, this is a good job to do that.


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