Port St. Lucie - Ray Lalloo
Port St. Lucie - Ray Lalloo
Employer - Owner/President, Adam's Air
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Trades
Fortis Institute in Port St. Lucie
What we provide for the consumer is we’re a full-service air-conditioning company. We do both residential and commercial air-conditioning.
Well, the industry has changed over the years for a few reasons in fact; one of the things is that technology has really played a part in air-conditioning.
The soft skills that I look for in a person when I’m interviewing and hiring them is … first off, one of the things is personality – you know, how they relate to myself and that indicates to me how they would relate to a consumer.
Understand this is not a walk in the park business, it’s not a walk in the park job; it’s very physical, so you have to understand that aspect of the job and it is also very challenging.
Additional Testimonials in Skilled Trades
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Fortis College in Norfolk
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Fortis Institute in Wayne
Fortis Institute in Wayne