You’ve probably heard of Obamacare – it will change how we get medical treatment…and pay for it. It also may give a boost to Medical Assistant careers.
Think about your last primary-care visit…your doctor, chiropractor, or podiatrist are good examples. You probably were scheduled by a medical assistant, who likely also took your vital signs, reviewed your medical history, and prepared your blood for testing. You could say medical assistants are at the “heart of health care” – right on the front line of patient care.
Experts expect the new health care law will create a surge in demand for primary care as people who used to go to emergency rooms for everything now start going to a family doctor. Doctors’ offices will have to staff up, suggesting an increased demand for medical assistants.
This would impact current workers and those studying to become medical assistants, which is why the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says career opportunities for trained medical assistants are projected to grow faster than the average. Visit if you’d like to learn more about medical assisting and the education needed to join the field.