Taishia W.

Taishia W.

Profile photo of Taishia W.

Taishia W.

Medical Assisting

Fortis Institute in Wayne

I wanted to change my career because I already started in the medical field when I was 19 and as I was working in the moving company my heart wasn’t in it and my passion is more for the medical field because I like helping other people.

My schedule while I was in school, I had the morning schedule and I was still working in the evening, so I would be in school during the morning.

Career Services was a help in school and while I was looking for employment. I got my job actually right after my externship because of Career Services.

But once I came to Fortis, got the instruction that I need, got my diploma, got my certification for medical assistant now I feel free because I am able to do more things and not feel like I am just stuck in one spot.

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