Whether to stay informed or keep connected with others, to advance your career or to just to have fun, all sorts of nursing websites fill the Internet to meet your needs. The list of sites seems endless, but here are a few popular examples.
Organizational websites offer you everything from the latest research to news on organizations and groups advocating for nurses. Filled with current news and events alongside scholarly articles, nursingworld.org is the American Nurses Association's (ANA) online portal. RNJournal.com is one of many websites with a primary focus on nursing academics. With complete sections covering education, employment assistance (including job banks) and news, websites like nurse.com, provide readers with a wide range of benefits.
Simply key "nursing" into the search field of popular online social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and you will find a long list of communities that exist solely for nurses. Networking among any of the hundreds of websites and discussion forums, like those found at nursingnetwork.com, will put you in direct touch with nurses in every field, nationwide.
Some of the most popular websites are career-oriented. For example, allnurses.com has over 772,000 members, while nursinglink.com touts itself as "not an anonymous job board, but...a place where your lifelong career needs to come home to roost." Owned by AMN Healthcare, strictly career-oriented nursingjobs.com simplifies the connection between nurses and potential employers.
Websites also exist for practically every nursing specialty. For example, the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses at rehabnurse.org serves as a source for certification, awards and resources for nurses in the rehabilitation fields. Useful websites for student nurses also abound. The National Student Nursing Association (nsna.com) has over 60,000 members. Combining information on schools with news and feature articles, nursezone.com is another useful site for students.
Other nursing websites reflect the diverse population within the nursing field. Women comprise the vast majority, but the American Assembly for Men in Nursing at aamn.org is one of several websites that caters to the rapidly growing number of male nurses. Founded in 1971, the National Black Nurses Association (nbna.com) hosts advisory committees and conferences, offers scholarships and advocates for minority nurses.
Nursinghumor.com is loaded with entire categories of funny content for nurses. Personal experience blogs bring nursing to life, and because it is such a broad field, you will find blog entries from nursing students to seasoned trauma nurses. Google search "best nursing blogs" and you'll pull up a slew of directories filled with entries, such as codeblog.com, written by a 15-year veteran nurse who has worked in med/surg to hospice, or "Tales of a School Zoned Nurse" at childrenarepresent.com, a blog written by a student nurse.
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