Jessica J.

Jessica J.

Profile photo of Jessica J.

Jessica J.

I attended Fortis College in Columbia, South Carolina and I went for medical assisting.

I always wanted to work for the medical field.  I have several of my family members that are in the medical field and it was just something that I always wanted to do when I was younger.

I heard about Fortis College from a friend, she came here, and she was telling me that they had a great medical assisting program and when I came and I spoke with admissions they were nice and friendly and they just made the process easy.

I have a little brother – he’s 13.  He has watched me, he had seen me struggle, he has seen me cry.  He has seen me when my classes were hard and I think it’s pushing him more, because he is in middle school, so it’s pushing him more on his grades so he can actually go to a school that he really wants to go to.

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