Crystal K.
Crystal K.

Crystal K.
Medical Assisting
I am an honors graduate from Fortis Online, having earned my Associates of Applied Science degree in the Medical Administrative Assisting program. The opportunity to inspire future graduates to successfully fulfill their future career dreams by sharing my story is truly rewarding. I had many unexpected surprises during my long road to success, but through a wonderful support system at home and at Fortis Online, I pushed through the small barriers and successfully graduated with honors.
I decided to return to school after my marriage and twelve weeks into my pregnancy with our first child. I created a time management schedule that worked for me and my growing family. I set grade goals and rewards after completing each module. In setting this grade goal, it made me push myself to the limit in order to succeed. Ultimately, the rewards helped me congratulate myself on a job well done. I had a wonderful Student Services Advisor and created a wonderful friendship while completing my academic career. We were in constant communication with each other and I utilized her support when I needed additional help in a course, if my personal life was distracting me from my academics, and when I was to take my maternity leave and return to finish my goal. It felt wonderful to know I had a member of faculty that I could trust with my personal distractions and be there for me in ways I never knew a member of faculty would.
As I was nearing the finish line, my last obstacle was to learn how to market myself to potential employers in order to land the career of my dreams. I then developed an everlasting friendship with my Fortis Director of Career Services. She reviewed my resume and stated it was now time to present it to my employers of interest. Since my daughter was seven months old, I had to make the hardest decision of my life, whether or not to return to work.
I applied for a fulltime position and landed an interview. I contacted my Career Services Director two hours before my phone interview and she walked me through what to say and how to say things in an appealing way that would represent me in a positive way. After the phone interview, I was then offered a final interview and called her immediately after to tell her the wonderful news. I was so nervous and she explained that I needed to practice interviewing myself with a family member, and that gave me the confidence I needed to go into my first interview.
After a two week waiting period, I received a call from my employer and was offered the position! My daughter then came back to being my number one priority, and it took me four days to decide whether or not I could emotionally handle a fulltime position and leave my eight month old daughter forty-hours a week with family. I finally did some soul searching and I had worked for eighteen months to receive my degree, and I wanted to work and provide for my daughter to give her everything she needed and wanted. In addition, I wanted to contribute to my marriage and feel less stress knowing that my finances were not in jeopardy. I was proud to graduate, honored to accept a position in which I could grow, and blessed that my family support was willing to help me watch over my daughter until she is old enough to go to preschool.
I applaud YOU, Fortis Online, for giving me the support I needed in order to succeed with inspiration and confidence.